Enter the address at which you are registered to vote
For TEC reporting purposes
For TEC reporting purposes
If you are a Travis or Bell County Resident, consider joining the Austin YRs or Bell County YRs as well.
Voting Membership is from 18-40 (inclusive)
Are you a member of another Young Republican club?
Donations and dues go to the Williamson County Young Republicans
I understand that in joining the Williamson County Young Republicans I am consenting to being contacted by representatives of the Williamson County Young Republicans by email, text, or phone call.
Dues for Williamson County Young Republicans are on a yearly basis and are subject to be renewed automatically one year from your joining date. Dues must be received by the Club before membership is activated. It is the member's responsibility to confirm dues have been received or inquire about any other payment issue by contacting treasurer@wilcoyrs.com. You may cancel your yearly payment at any time by contacting the Williamson County Young Republicans prior to renewal. Dues are considered a political donation and are therefore not refundable. However, membership may be transferred to another Young Republican chapter upon request.
This helps us anticipate accommodations and to tailor some of our events for families.